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Thanks to everyone who reached out to me with words of support and encouragement.

If you would like to voice your support, please visit my blog and leave a comment on on the most recent post. Thanks. 

Wanted to post my support for you. I have been through similar situations as yours. I was active in the psychiatric survivor movement in the 1990's. Glad you are carrying on the fight. Perhaps we'll swap stories sometime.
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I see you every evening on the way home from work but today was the first time I was able to read your sign. It is truly touching that you have the strength to use your voice to speak out on behalf of yourself and others like you. I am a nurse at another Philadelphia hospital and I am horrified at the thought of a patient’s concerns not being properly addressed by hospital administration and furthermore the so-called professionals responsible not be disciplined accordingly. I hope you continue to seek justice for what was done to you despite the many obstacles you may face. My thoughts will be with you.
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I saw you on the Blvd tonight. I just wanted you to know that you did not go unnoticed. I would have made some sort of acknowledgment of this, but my view of your message was blocked the whole time I was stopped, except for the word "abused." At the last second, I was able to see the URL and visited it on my phone (from the passengers side, of course). Your story deserves notice, and through your profound writing ability, I feel it will get it.
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I've seen you out there and I actually researched for you online to find your blog. I just wanted to let you know that your protest is catching the eyes of the public.
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I feel bad that you had to go through this ordeal and no one else can truly understand the pain it has caused. The health care industry is supposed to have a passion to serve but unfortunately the sick end up in the hands of people who don’t give a damn about others. I hope nothing will stop you, for you are speaking out for all who can’t. I hope you get the justice you deserve.Be strong.
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I saw you out there on Monday- May 18th. I started to think about a few people who I know went to friends, and although I agree that there situations warranted them to be there, I wonder if they were treated fairly? Were they also abused? I'm sure you are not the only one! I respect your courage and your effort. Don't back out and don't allow yourself to be intimidated enough to back out. I'm sure you have a lot more supporters out there who won't take a few minutes to get on here and let you are not alone!! So on behalf of them and myself, keep going!!!
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